Know what the best part of garter stitch is? Reading & knitting at the same time! I use my phone to keep the book pages open while my fingers knit away on my garter-stitch project. Combo-ing 2 of my favorite things is definitely a great way to start the week.
Do you read & knit? Is it a skill that you'd like to learn?
Btw, the book I'm reading is my December Book of the Month, A History of Wild Places by @sheaernshaw . I'm not too far in yet, but it's really well written & very intriguing so I'm having a hard time breaking away to do responsible things. 😂
If you'd like to pick up a copy, I've got an affiliate link in the button above this text. 😘
Happy Knitting & Cooking!
Shaina ^_^
(Full disclosure: I paid for this copy, it wasn't gifted to me. I'm just really enjoying it & wanted to share it with you, too.)