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North Country Fiber Fair 2018 - Day 1

The 3rd weekend in September each year marks my local fiber fair, the North Country Fiber Fair, held in Watertown, SD. This year was my second year of being on the NCFF board as well as my second year of being a vendor. I also teach at this event (3 classes this year) so my weekend was a bit on the busy side, lol.

Day 1 was mainly the set-up day for the vendors with lots of classes for the attendees. This year we decided to focus on Nordic-inspired classes & asked local instructors to come up with some fun offerings. Friday's classes included:

  • Basic Brioche with Me!

  • Beginning Wheel Spinning with Kelly Knispel

  • Bobbin Lace Sampler with Jill Maisch

  • Natural Dyeing with Anastasia Williams

  • Quick and Lofty Yarn with Joy Kammerer

  • Skinnfell Booties with Karen Aakre

  • Tapestry Weaving for Beginners with Joanne Hall

  • Viking Knitting with Connie Herring

  • Warping a Floor Loom with Lyla Agius


There were also lots of fiber animals this year & I got to help set up the pens while these adorable goats waited patiently in the car... 😂


My Basic Brioche class went really well & I had a great group of students who were all reading their knitting & working 2-color brioche flat by the end of our 3 hours together. This is the 3rd or 4th year that I've offered this class at NCFF & I think that next year I'll take a year off from teaching it so that I can spend a bit more time in my booth on Saturday. If you missed this class for one reason or another and are in the area, feel free to contact me about arranging a time/place for a 1-on-1 lesson. I'm more than happy to continue to offer this class on request, I just think that this is a good time to take a break from teaching it at NCFF.

I'll be posting about NCFF 2018 Day 2 tomorrow so check back for more details & pics of the event.

Till then, Happy Knitting!

Shaina ^_^



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