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It's a Bug, Not a Feature! MKaL Sweater

Originally posted on 4/3/2023 - Last updated on 4/19/2023

(The image above is from Anna Johanna and takes you to her so you can easily find the pattern. ^_- )

Happy Mystery Monday!

This is a new segment that I'm starting on the blog as a way to share some of my favorite designers and the mystery knit-a-longs (and crochet-a-longs) that they host. (And that I can't help but sign-up for, lol.) In this segment I'll be sharing info about my current mystery knitting/crocheting project along with marked spoilers in future updates.

Each Monday I'll update this post with progress on the project (I'll let you know when the spoilers are coming so you can avert your eyes if you don't want to see them... or so that you can scroll strait to them if you don't like surprises, lol.)

MK/CaL Basics:

I know that some of you are very familiar with mystery knit/crochet-a-longs, but in case you aren't here's a brief run-down of what they are and best practices:

  • A MKaL or MCaL is a Mystery Knit or Crochet-a-Long

  • You purchase the pattern without knowing very much about it at all. Usually just the type of item you will be making, the type of craft that is used, materials needed, and generally some tips on choosing colors and yarn.

  • It's polite to not share spoilers without marking them thoroughly while the MK/CaL is going on. After the last clue has been released and the MK/CaL has been revealed to the public feel free to share openly, but it ruins the fun for slower crafters if the next clue is spoiled before they've finished the previous one.

  • You can definitely share photos of the yarn & supplies you'll be using, though.

  • In general, a MK/CaL designer will provide you with a cover image that won't include spoilers, but that shows a hint at the theme so you can use that image to begin any posts or to create a page on Ravelry if you'd like. (Designers intend for these cover images to be borrowed by crafters for this reason, just make sure to attribute the image to them when you use it.)


Why Join This MKaL?

Anna Johanna is a designer from Finland who hosts mystery sweater knit-a-longs (among other beautiful pattern releases). I heard about her a few years ago and have been following her on IG since then. Her designs are cozy and romantic with a bit of an updated classic styling to them. I'm certain that she can even make bugs look adorable!

With all that in mind, what drew me to joining this MKaL was actually the name of it. My little nerd heart couldn't pass up the joke geared towards web-type designers who are known for calling something a "feature" when some users would label it as more of a "bug" in the programing. In the IG Live cast-on party that she hosted last Saturday, Anna Johanna also mentioned that the title is a nod to how we as crafters will often call our mistakes "design features" instead of ripping back and fixing them.


Cast On! - Materials & Notes

Clue 1 Dropped on April 1, 2023


The pattern is designed for stashbusting, but I thought this green yarn from Cece's Wool would be perfect for the bugs and I loved how it goes with the golden- brown tones in the Honey Bee colorway (also from Cece's Wool). This particular colorway was a limited edition for ZKN, but Emerald Isle is similar.


I've decided to try my hand (once again) at using my knitting belt to make this sweater. This is a tool that I've had for years, but it requires using Irish Cottage Knitting (aka Lever Knitting). I've never gotten super comfortable with that style so it's like learning to knit all over again each time I bring this tool out, lol. We'll see if I stick with it this time. ^_^


This pattern comes with instructions for both short and long-sleeve options as well as a tip on converting the slightly cropped pullover into a cardigan (not full instructions, fyi). I've decided to be brave & plan on making mine into a steeked cardigan with full sleeves and contrasting hems/collar...

However, I need to look at my yardage again because I thought I had more yards in my skeins than I'm seeing on the website (I'm away from my yarn as I type this). If that's the case I'll be knitting my sleeves with 2 other yarns so they'll have sort of a color-block effect. We'll see how it goes, lol.


Clue 1 Spoilers! - Progress & Notes

Clue 2 Dropped on April 6, 2023. See below for details.


As you can see from my pictures I opted to use one long circular needle for the collar and yoke of the sweater since at this size it's still portable enough to take on walks. I'll be switching to the knitting belt once the shaping is completely finished. (Maybe it's done now? I'll have to look at Clue 2 to find out for sure.)

The pattern isn't written for it, but I'm altering things a bit to turn this into a steeked cardigan. I've never done this before, but understand the process well enough that I'm pretty confident that everything will be fine. Anna does mention in the pattern that this is a pretty easy pattern to convert but that you'll want to adjust things so that the large center motif will be on the back of the sweater if you're planning on steeking.

To do my conversion I added 8 stitches to the center front where I'll be cutting the steek once the sweater is finished. (See the second to last picture.) There is short-row shaping in the back so it's easy to tell which direction is which. (See the last picture.) To get the center panel on the back of the sweater before I started knitting the charts I knit around in my MC to the front of the sweater. (Essentially adding 1/2 a round of plain knitting.) I am using the section for my steeked stitches as my beginning of round instead of keeping it at the center back like the pattern instructs.

I'm not a very seasoned sweater knitter and this is my first colorwork sweater so hopefully I've done things right and everything will work out nicely. ^_^


Clue 2 Spoilers! - Progress & Notes

Clues 3 & 4 Will Drop on April 10, & April 15, 2023


We have moths & ants, & a stag beetle surrounded by butterflies!

I'm thoroughly enjoying this project and I think I've got enough stitches on the needles (and enough fabric) to comfortably switch to the knitting belt for the next clue. We're still adding in a bit to the yoke, but there's enough consistency that I'm ready to attempt it.

I am wondering though about my color choice... It's not quite the level of contrast that would probably look best for this intricate patterning, but I still really love the look of it. With the bugs and color combo I've been thinking of this as my Animal Crossing Bug Collector Sweater, haha. And that thought more than makes up for the fact that it's a bit less contrasty than it probably should be. ^_^


Clues 3 & 4 Spoilers! - Progress & Notes

Clue 5 Will Drop on April 23, 2023


Look for this update on 4/24/23.


Clue 5 Spoilers! - Progress & Notes

Clue 6 Will Drop on April 28, 2023


Look for this update on 5/1/23.


Clue 6 Spoilers! - Progress & Notes

Clue 7 Will Drop on May 6, 2023


Look for this update on 5/8/23.


Clue 7 Spoilers! - Progress & Notes

This is the Final Clue!


Look for this update on 5/15/23.


Final Reveal!

Steeking Process and Final Thoughts


Look for this update on 5/22/23.




The Yumi Yarns Blog

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