In this tutorial I'll be showing you how to knit the Icelandic Bind-Off. This is one of my absolute favorite bind-offs because while it's stretchy enough for the cuffs on socks or edging a lace shawl, it doesn't flare out at all & creates a look that is similar to a garter-stitch row. I've yet to find a project that I don't love it on & it's dead easy once you get the hang of it. I hope you enjoy it & that it comes in just as handy for you as it does for me!
Happy knitting!
Shaina ^_^
PS: If you're curious about the pattern that this bind-off is featured in, I'm going to keep you in suspense for a little while longer. It's part of a soon-to-be-released lace shawl pattern that I'm designing & will be available (hopefully) by the end of this week. Join my e-mail list with the form at the bottom of this screen if you'd like to be notified when the pattern is released & to get the special subscriber discount.
A project or swatch with stitches still live on the needles ready to bind-off
Knitting needles appropriate for your yarn
Step 1:
Bind-off 1 stitch knit-wise.
Step 2:
Slip the stitch from the Right Needle back to the Left Needle.
Step 3:
Insert Right Needle as if to Purl...
Step 4:
Insert the Right Needle in the second stitch as if to knit (bringing the second stitch through the first one).
Step 5:
Knit this stitch.
Step 6:
Slip both stitches off the Left Needle. (1- stitch)
Step 7:
Repeat steps 2-6 until all stitches have been bound off.
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