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#giftalong2018 Challenge - Day 3

Holiday cookies, greenery & lights surround a lit candle & a knitted blanket with the words, "All I Want..."

... for Christmas is some snuggle time with my family & my knitting after baking goodies with my little Cairo. How about you guys? What are you most wanting this holiday season?

(Can you tell that I'm running a tad behind with my  #giftalong18 IG challenge posts? Oh, well, the GaL is about having fun while getting your holiday on so I'm not going to stress too much about the timing. I'm just enjoying sharing my thoughts & seeing how everyone else responds to the prompts.)

Happy crafting!

Shaina ^_^


Join your fave Indie Designers for the 6th annual Indie Design Gift-a-Long. All the inspiration, chat and cheer you'll need to get your gifts finished this year.



The Yumi Yarns Blog

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